Sequence & Old Time

DSI London offers all relevant technique books for sequence dancing and Old Time, such as notable dances as the Wedgewood Blue Gvavotte, The Saunter, The Royal Empress Tango and the Flyde Waltz.

9702 Technique of the Classical Waltz

The Classical Waltz in all Rythms   Analysed by the Sequence Advisory Committee of the British Dance Council  Published Oct 2023
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Excl. Tax: £5.00
Incl. Tax: £5.00

9800 Set of Old Time Books

Including: Pas de Valse  Britannia Saunter  Premier Two Step Royal Empress Tango Saunter Reve  Fylde Waltz  The Waltz  Velete  Wedgewood Blue Gavotte  Boston Two Step 
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Excl. Tax: £25.00
Incl. Tax: £25.00

9701 Sequence Dances

Issued by Sequence Dance Faculty Committee.
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Excl. Tax: £12.00
Incl. Tax: £12.00

9706 A Guide To Theory & Technique Of Classical Sequence

Compiled by the British Dance Council Sequence Advisory Committee.
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Excl. Tax: £8.00
Incl. Tax: £8.00

9710 How To Start A Sequence Dance Club

by Derek Arnold
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Excl. Tax: £8.50
Incl. Tax: £8.50

9800/Individual Dances

Analysed by BDC.
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Excl. Tax: £4.50
Incl. Tax: £4.50

9750 66 Favourite Modern Sequence Dances

As authorised by the British Council of Ballroom dancing.
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Excl. Tax: £19.95
Incl. Tax: £19.95

9753 66 Old Time Dancing Favourites

A selection of both social and medal test dances.
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Excl. Tax: £19.95
Incl. Tax: £19.95

9728 A Source Book For Sequence Dancers

by T A Whitworrth
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Excl. Tax: £6.00
Incl. Tax: £6.00

9730 Dance in Sequence - Smile In Harmony

by Pat Price
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Excl. Tax: £7.00
Incl. Tax: £7.00

9724 Learning the Essentials

by T A Whitworth
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Excl. Tax: £10.00
Incl. Tax: £10.00

9736 M.C's Handbook Of Old Time And Sequence Dances

Compiled and edited by Bill & May Botham.
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Excl. Tax: £12.95
Incl. Tax: £12.95

9721 An Introduction to Sequence Dancing

by Harry Horne 
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Excl. Tax: £12.00
Incl. Tax: £12.00

9720 Modern Sequence For All

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Excl. Tax: £10.00
Incl. Tax: £10.00

Sequence & Old Time

DSI London offers all relevant technique books for sequence dancing and Old Time, such as notable dances as the Wedgewood Blue Gvavotte, The Saunter, The Royal Empress Tango and the Flyde Waltz.
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